Of course for all of you that have got UPVC doors and windows there is this issue of keeping them working properly, this brings me swiftly on to the question of how often should you service them ?

For the average Joe who does a bit of DIY the answer is whenever something actually goes wrong (if it works leave it alone I hear you say ) but for those a little more cautious or just to set your mind at rest we can come round and give them the once over and advise you on any issues

Door and window repairs

  • Draughty windows or doors

  • Broken handles

  • Hinges

  • Locks on doors

  • Sticky doors

  • Steamed up double glazing

  • Broken glass

Carl: 07484259149 carl@dandtglaziers.com

Steve: 07908204244 steve@dandtglaziers.com

Call us now for FREE advise

Window repairs


If you are having difficulty in either opening or closing a window it could be that the hinges have broken or are worn out.

Another symptom you will find is if you have a draught coming from the edge of the opener and there is a gap this is also faulty hinges


With constant use handle will break or wear out as it is not a complicated you may wish to undertake this job yourself as most handles are universal these days.

window restrictor
window restrictor
upvc window handle
upvc window handle

Door repairs

Door mechanism
Door mechanism

Unfortunately door locking mechanisms don't last forever and when they go wrong the results can be a nightmare. If you have a door that is playing up give us a call because if it to gives up the ghost when it is locked you may not be able to open it.

Door locks