Broken down velux window
Broken down velux window

Sealed unit replacement

Broken down sealed units

You have probably wondered why double glazing steams up between the two panes of glass or goes cloudy or dirty

If you look at the edge of the two panes of glass you will see they are sealed together with a hot melt adhesive. What happens over a period of time this seal breaks down and allows moisture in which runs down the faces of the glass making them dirty. I will explain this better on a vlog at a later date

So this leaves us with either replacing the unit or living with it

Some people claim that you can clean broken down sealed units by drilling holes in the glass and spraying in a cleaning agent, personally I have never seen anyone do this successfully and believe me I have looked

sealed unit and window diagram
sealed unit and window diagram
Velux window repaired
Velux window repaired

So here is a classic before and after shot of a vellux window

Sealed unit replaced

Why do Sealed units break down and how long should they last